mAke the grAde
offering individuals 1-on-1 preparation for the SAT, PSAT and ACT exams as well as Math/Science Tutoring
The education 24/7Community
Why is this the unique solution for your family and for your child?
- Frustration with your child
- Stress over school and academics
- Uncertainty about the future
- Feeling like you can’t help
- Sub Par grades
- Inconsistency
- Nightly arguments
- Dependency
- Uncertainty about academics
- Pride in your child’s accomplishments
- Harmony in the household
- Clear picture of goals and a timeline
- A system parents and children share
- Working to potential
- Daily Success
- Mutual success and cooperation
- Independence
- Confidence concerning academics

- Hosted by Dr Steven Greene
State teaching certificate
12 years teaching in public and private schools
23 years tutoring and private education
#1 Amazon best selling author
I want to personally welcome you to the community. I want to share with you why this system is so valuable for parents and for students. - Dr Steven Greene
The proven system was created based on 23 years of results both in the classroom through private tutoring with over 11,000 students and their families.
This is the first time that this information has been available to the public in this very accessible format with live interaction and full support.
Until now, the only way to get this life changing information was to work directly with Dr Greene or to buy your own copy of maximum education and work out your own plan.

Start Today
PARENTS, STUDENTS & EDUCATORSWelcome to your resource for action plans which enable you to maximize your education. mAke the grAde provides academic support for all levels of Math and Science, test prep for the SAT and ACT exams and support for Executive Function using the Maximum Education principles. mAke the grAde also conducts classes and workshops for all of these topics and customized educational seminars for businesses and instituti